Plan your trip so that you can experience the famous Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. What a wonderful display of bagpipers, marching bands, music and fireworks. There was also a tribute to the Queen on her Diamond Jubilee. This is a once in a lifetime experience and is not to be missed. When the bagpipers come out of the castle, with colored lighting, and march down between the stands, it is truly amazing. You can also tour the castle during the day, which is interesting if you want to learn about Scottish military history.

The first Tattoo was in 1950. Today more than 200,000 people attend each year. Make sure to book online to assure your place in the stands. There are performances at 9 pm Monday to Friday and two on Saturday, one at 7:30 pm and the second at 10:30 pm followed by extended fireworks. Be aware that the crowds are huge and that cabs may be difficult to obtain after the later show on Saturday night.