While taking a travel writing class in San Miguel de Allende in October, 2019, we were asked as a class assignment to focus on a specific color as we wandered the streets of this colonial city. I chose the color blue in sharp contrast to the reds, oranges, yellows and ochres found on the doors and walls throughout town. When I looked for the color blue, I then started to focus on the children and the people of San Miguel and the color blue in the clothes they were wearing.

I immediately noticed the families walking together, the women gently holding their children or holding their hands as they walked, two lovers engaged in a touching moment in the Jardin and close friends engaged in conversation in a quiet cafe.

Mexico has a wonderful, positive energy and “mucho cariño” or “much affection or caring”. I experience this daily when I am back in town! Where else do you speak to people on the street wishing them a buenos dias, buenos tardes or buenos noches? Where else do you see such well-behaved children playing and just having fun? Where else do you see such kindness? Where else do you see such hardworking people? Love or “amor” is everywhere!