The proper name according to the manufacturer, Taylor Provisions of Trenton NJ, is John Taylor’s “Original Taylor Pork Roll”. Dating from 1856, it was originally called “Taylor Ham” and although the name was changed in 1906 many of those in North Jersey still call it simply, “Taylor Ham”. However, many still call it pork roll and the debate over the name continues. It is a staple today in many homes and restaurants. Packaged in a cotton bag or case, the seasoned pork product is similar to a sausage in texture. One of the favorite uses is for a breakfast sandwich where it is served on roll or bagel along with a fried egg and American cheese. I love it and have enjoyed it since I was a child.

One of the most popular recipes using the product is the popular breakfast sandwich. Here you take pork roll and cook it in a frying pan until it is heated through. I always score the edges so they don’t curl up. Join the pork roll with melted American cheese on a roll, like a brioche bun or bagel, and you have a great sandwich. Adding a fried egg to the sandwich is also popular and very tasty.

One other suggestion that I just tried at John & Elaine’s Restaurant in Point Pleasant, is to substitute pork roll for Canadian bacon in a traditional eggs benedict. It has is a nice change and very tasty. I will definitely order it again.