There is so much to see and explore in Vienna. Make sure to visit:
Spanish Riding School: Part of the Hofburg Palace, this should be high on your list of places to visit and see the world famous Lipizzaners. They offer tickets to various performances and for tours of the facility and stables. From 10 am to 12 pm, they let people in to watch the morning exercise with music. I have done this in the past and did it again on this trip.

Hofburg Palace: High on your list should be a visit to the Kaiserappartements, the Sisi Museum and Silberkammer. I particularly enjoyed seeing the wonderful silver and china in the first part of the tour and the lovely state rooms where you can see some of the sitting rooms, dining room and bedrooms of the Emperor and Empress.

Kaiserliche Schatzkammer: Located in the Hofburg Palace as well, this museum is dedicated to both secular and religious items. There are beautiful jewels, crowns and embroidered robes along with stunning altar pieces and crosses. This is well worth the visit, but requires a separate ticket from the other Hofburg Palace museums.

St. Stephen’s Cathedral/Domkirche St. Stephan zu Wien: This is a must on your list to visit. I paid extra to be able to avoid the tourists and walk to the altar and take photos. There are tours, music events and concerts. The church had also been transformed with a contemporary art/light installation that was really beautiful. Stephansplatz 3.

From wonderful chocolates to antiques, there are many wonderful stores to explore. I liked Die Sellerie at Burgasse 21, in the Seventh District, which was a small boutique of housewares with great style.

Schloss Shoenbrunn: The Schoenbrunn Palace, located at Schoenbrunner Schosstrasse 47 and southwest of the city center. As the former Summer Palace, it is located in a beautiful garden and grounds. You can explore the grounds and tour the wonderful imperial apartments. There are cafes and restaurants in the palace and gardens. I enjoyed a concert on a beautiful summer evening in the Orangerie. So for concerts, an Easter Market and other events, make sure to check the schedule.